How to change default text editor mac
How to change default text editor mac

The period command should always be present. But not all distributions provide the source command. The source command is an alias for the period command and performs the same action. Note that the line starts with a dot or period. To see these changes take effect, either log out and back in or issue this command. Of course, you’d substitute the command that launches the editor you wish to use for ‘gedit’.

how to change default text editor mac

When the editor appears, add this entry to the file: We can set the default editor for crontab by adding a line to our. What About Distros That Don’t Provide select-editor? But what if you want to use an editor that isn’t in that menu? Or what if you’re working on an operating system that doesn’t provide the select-editor command? We can handle those scenarios as well. If you later change your mind, how do you pick another editor if you only get the menu the first time? That’s easy. The editor that you select from the menu is used every time you issue the crontab -e command.

how to change default text editor mac

In this example, nano was chosen by pressing the 1 key. The editor you select is then used to open your cron table. Type crontab, a space, -e and press Enter. The very first time you issue the crontab command with the -e (edit) option in a Bash terminal, you’re asked to pick the editor you’d like to use.

How to change default text editor mac how to#

RELATED: How to Schedule Tasks on Linux: An Introduction to Crontab Files We’re simply looking at the editor associated with the crontab -e command. We’re not diving into the details of cron jobs in this article. Your cron table holds the list of any scheduled jobs you have set to occur at specified times. The crontab -e command will open an editor so that you can edit your cron table. What we’re going to show you is how to change the default editor for crontab to something else, should you choose to.

how to change default text editor mac

We’re not stoking that fire, nor advocating one editor over another. Yet the depth of feeling people associate with their personal preference editor has led to flame wars that have been burning since 1985. A text editor performs a pretty mundane task.

How to change default text editor mac